Disaster Response Resources

Disaster Response Resources

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​KCCRT's Role

KCCRT provides essential services such as assessments, crisis intervention, service collaboration, and system development in the aftermath of disasters. We work closely with the Kentucky Department of Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities (BHDID), which coordinates state-led disaster mental health services. BHDID administers FEMA Crisis Counseling grants following a Presidential Declaration, in partnership with local and regional mental health providers.

Primary ESF-8 Agencies​

The following agencies coordinate state-level public health and medical support during disasters: 

  • Kentucky Department for Public Health (KDPH)
  • Kentucky Department of Behavioral Health, Intellectual, and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDID).
  • Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services (KBEMS)
These agencies activate their operations through the Department Operations Center or the state’s Emergency Operations Center. They are responsible for public health and medical services coordination, as outlined in the ESF-8 Annex and the Disaster Behavioral Health Services (DBHS) Support Plan.

​​​​Disaster Preparedness and Recovery Resources​

​​Department of Developmental Services - Emergency Preparedness​

​Psychological First Aid Resources

DDH Brochure (English)

The Rural Mental Health Crisis

Rural Disaster Behavioral Health

Taking Care of Your Emotional Health After a Disaster

Helping Older Adults After Disasters A Guide to Providing Support

Victims of Mass Violence & Terrorism Toolkit​

​​Faith-Based Community Resources

Faith Communities & Disaster Mental Health

Vulnerable Populations & Disaster

Disaster & Religions App​

Additional Resources

Emergency Planning

​​​KCCRT Logo.png

Contact Information

24-Hour Response Request
(888) 522-7228 

Kentucky Community Crisis Response Team (KCCRT)
Kentucky Department of Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities

275 E Main St.,
Frankfort, KY 40601

Email: kccrt@ky.gov​

Disaster Distress Helpline (SAMHSA)Disaster Distress Helpline: Get Immediate Crisis Counseling and Support |  SAMHSA

Preparing for Natural Disasters and School Crisis Events Through a Behavioral Health Lens​

School Disaster Toolkit.png