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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Welcome to KCCRT!

​​Providing Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) for First Responders ​and Communities​​​

​​​​Response Request (24/7): 888-522-7228

Welcome to the Kentucky Community Crisis Response Team (KCCRT), your go-to support system in times of critical incidents and traumatic events. We're not just a team; we're a dynamic force of dedicated first responders, mental health professionals, chaplains, and community members who volunteer their expertise to first responders and communities in times of crises. Team members are peer driven, mental health supported and guided by experts in critical incident stress management.

At KCCRT, we understand the importance of immediate mental health support, which is why we swiftly assemble and deploy critical incident stress management (CISM) teams. Whether it's a first responder grappling with the aftermath of a line of duty death or a community reeling from a natural disaster, our teams provide essential Critical Incident Stress Management and Psychological First Aid to help individuals navigate through these challenging times.

Our statewide network of trained professional volunteers ensures an organized, rapid, and effective response. From first responder critical incidents involving children, use of deadly force, suicide of a first responder, structure fire fatalities to devastating tornadoes or large-scale flooding, we're equipped to provide confidential crisis intervention services to agencies and organizations at no cost. Our goal is simple: to mitigate the destructive effects of emotional trauma and job-related stress, facilitating a quicker recovery for individuals and communities.

KCCRT members are trained and ready to respond!

My agency has an internal peer support t​eam, should I still call KCCRT?

​​The short answer, YES! Both are important for the mental health of your team. You can think of KCCRT as the critical incident mental health ER and internal peer support teams as the hospital floor. KCCRT can quickly deploy to mitigate stress, providing immediate mental health interventions. Internal peer support teams are there to assist in the continued care and recovery of your team. ​

The KCCRT Serves

First Responders
Firefighters, law enforcement officers, emergency medical services, correction officers, telecommunicators, military members, and other first responders face unique challenges and often encounter critical incidents. That's where KCCRT steps in. Our goal is simple: to accelerate recovery from critical incidents and mitigate the impact that the stress the incidents create.
Community members may experience strong emotional and psychological reactions following events such as natural disasters, accidents, violence, or traumatic incidents involving vulnerable populations. The KCCRT supports individuals through emotional aftermath, mitigate distress, and promote community recovery and resilience.
Disaster Survivors
The overall range of stress goes far beyond the immediate impact of the initial destruction. Some may experience​ reactions that will cause enough distress to interfere with adaptive coping.  These reactions may affect individuals emotionally, impact relationships, disrupt work and cause financial worry. KCCRT members can deploy to provide Psychological First Aid for survivors after a large-scale disaster.

KCCRT Provides:

KCCRT deploys rapid response teams, trained in Critical Incident Stress Management and Psychological First Aid, to mitigate stress reactions after critical incidents to your first responder agency or community. Our experienced responders offer immediate support, aiding survivors in stabilizing emotionally and initiating their journey toward healing and resilience. ​

Request a Response

The Kentucky Community Crisis Response Team can be reached 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week by calling toll free:

(888) 522-7228

Learn More